Thursday, 29 April 2021

किन्नरकीजीवनरेखा ... लीलैंडके तरीकेसे

लेखक- रमेश कुमार * हिन्दी अनुवाद- पंकज कुमार





उसकानाममर्फीथा| लम्बाकद,छरहराबदन,बालहमेशाबंधेहुए,लिपस्टिक? हमेशा, गर्मियोंमेंकालाचश्माऔरएकलेडीजपर्सकन्धोंपेटेंगाहुआ|

मर्फी१४सालोंतकमेरेपडोसीथेजबतकमैंवहांथा, मैंतीसरेमालेपेरहताथाऔरवोमेरेऊपरवालेमेलपर|


मर्फीकिन्नरथे,औरएकपरिवारमेंरहतेथेजिसमेंकुछबकरियां, मुर्गियांऔरएककुत्ताथा,छतपरउन्होंनेबरसातीडालकरफ्लैटबनारखाथा|



लम्बीसड़कयात्राओंमेंकिन्नरअक्सरटोलप्लाजापेमिलतेहैं, वहांवेहरगाडीकेमालिकसेमददकीगुहारकरतेहैं| मर्दउन्हेंअजीबनज़रोंसेदेखतेहैंऔरभद्देकमेंटकरतेहैंजबकिमहिलाएंउनसेडरकरकारकेशीशेचढ़ालेतीहैं| हाँ,कुछट्रकड्राइवरउन्हेंमददमेंरूपयेदेदेतेहैं|


चेन्नईकेआसपासकीरेलगाड़ियोंमेंजबभीजाताहूँकिन्नरगाडीमेंसवारहोजातेहैं, मददमांगतेहुए,औरकभीकभीतोसहयात्रीइनसेछुटकारापानेकेलिएपुलिसतककोबुलालेतेहैं|

येहमारेसमाजकाहिस्साहोतेहुएभीनहींहैंक्यूंकिहममेंसेअधिकांशलोगोंनेइन्हेंअपनानेसेइंकारकरदियाहै|एकसामान्यज़िन्दगीसेवंचित, समाजद्वाराप्रताड़ितऔरअच्छाजीवनयापननमिलपानेकेकारनउन्हेंभीखमांगनीपड़तीहै|

संविधानमेंइनकोमर्दऔरऔरतजातिकेबराबरहक़देनेकीबातअच्छीहै, परजरुरीहैअसलियतमेंइन्हेंअपनानेकी| यहीप्रयासअशोकलीलैंडकररहाहै|

मार्च२०२१मेंअशोकलीलैंडनेएकअच्छीशुरुआतकी|नम्मकल, तमिलनाडुजहाँइनकीएकमात्रड्राइवरट्रेनिंगइंस्टिट्यूटहैजोगत३दशकोंसेचलरहीहै, २५एकड़मेंफैलीहुई, ड्राइविंगसीखानेकीसारीसुविधाओंसेपरिपूर्ण|यहाँ८किन्नरोंकोट्रेनिंगकेलिएनामांकनकियागयाऔरउनकोस्टेटट्रांसपोर्टडिपार्टमेंटसेवैधड्राइविंगलाइसेंसदिलानेकीव्यवस्थाकीगयी|

इसकासाराश्रेयमुहम्मदअलीसाहबकोजाताहैजोहिंदुजाग्रुपकंपनीकेनेशनलहेडड्राइवरट्रेनिंगहैं| हमारेसंवादातासेफ़ोनपरबातकरतेहुएउन्होंनेबतायाकीचेन्नईहेडऑफिसकेएचआरहेडसेबातकरतेहुएकिन्नोरोंकोट्रेनिंगमेंशामिलकरनेकाजिक्रहुआथा|

उन्होंनेयेभीबतायाकीकुछसालपहलेएककिन्नरकोट्रेनिंगदीगयीथीपरड्राइविंगलाइसेंसमिलनेकेबादउन्होंनेड्राइविंगनहींकी,फिरउसकाअतापताभीनहींचला, इसलिएहमनेनएसिरेसेयेकामफिरशुरूकिया|

कहतेहैं, जहाँचाहवहांराह|


किन्नरसमाजद्वाराप्रताड़ित, कोईजीवनयापनकासाधननामिलनेकेकारणभीखमांगनेयावैश्यावृतिपेमजबूरहोतेहैं|ऐसेहालातमेंअशोकलीलैंडकाउन्हेंड्राइविंगसीखानेऔररोजगारदेनेकाकदमसराहनीयहै|


इन८किन्नरोंमेंसे३जिनकोट्रेनिंगऔरवैधड्राइविंगलाइसेंसमिलगयी, एकहैंमनीषाअग्रवालजोएकसर्टिफाइडऍमसीऐहैं|उन्होंनेफ़ोनपेबतायाकीयेएकबहुतअच्छाअवसरहै,हाँयेऔरबातहैकीउन्हेंऍमसीऐकरनेकेबादकोईनौकरीनहींमिली, नादीगयी|

लीलैंडकेअलीसाहबजोइसप्रोजेक्टकेकल्पनाश्रोतऔरकार्यकर्ताहैं,उनकाकहनाहैकीकिन्नरोंकोड्राइवरकेरूपमेंलेनेकीमिश्रितप्रतिक्रियाहै, येबसशरुआतहै|उन्होंनेकर्नाटकहोसूरबॉर्डरपे८किन्नरोंकेलिएनौकरीकीव्यवस्थाकीहै|

सुरेशबाबूजोनम्मकलस्थितड्राइवरट्रेनिंगइंस्टिट्यूटकेहेडहैं,उन्होंनेइसप्रोजेक्टकीसफलताकापूराविश्वासजताया, किन्नरोंकाइसनएजरियेसेदिलजीतनेकाभी| उन्होंनेबाहरकुशलतासेइनकिन्नरड्राइवरकोट्रेनिंगकेदौराननम्मकलकीसड़कोंपेगाडीचलवाईताकिसमाजइनकेनएरूपकोदेखऔरपहचानसके|

मनीषाकोआशाहैकीकिन्नरसमाजड्राइविंगकोरोजगारकेरूपमेंस्वीकारकरेगा| उन्होंनेयेभीकहाकीवेड्राइविंगकोएकनयीकलासीखनेकेरूपमेंलें|


क्यायेकिन्नरड्राइवरसमस्तभारतमेंकामकरनेकोतैयारहैं? सुरेशबाबूकाकहनाहैकीअभीउनकेपासएलऍमभीलाइसेंसहैऔरएकसालबादहीएचऍमभीलाइसेंसमिलेगी|


मनीषासेपुछागयाकीट्रेनिंगकेदौरानउनकोमर्दड्राइवरभाइयोंनेकैसेस्वीकारकिया, उन्होंनेबतायाकीपहलादिनमुश्किलथापरबादमेंसबठीकहोगया|


अलीसाहबअबडेढ़केअलगअलगजगहोंमेंजहाँराज्यसरकारोंद्वाराचलेजानेड्राइविंगट्रेनिंगस्कूलहैं, किन्नरसमाजकोप्रोत्साहितकरनेमेंलगेहैं, विशेषतःट्रकड्राइवरबननेकेलिए, उनकाप्रयासहैकीयेपरलैंगिकवर्गजिनकोसर्वोच्चन्यायालयकीमान्यताहै, उसवर्गकोबराबरीकाअधिकारमिले|

अशोकलीलैंडकोबहुतबहुतमुबारकबाद !!!


इसलेखकेलेखकने१००००किलोमीटरराज्यमार्गोंपरबितायाहै, ट्रांसपोर्टमित्रप्राइवेटलिमिटेडकेसह-संस्थापकहैं,ड्राइवरदुनियानामकत्रिमासियेअंग्रेजीपत्रिकाकेएडिटरहैंऔरयूट्यूबचैनलसमाचारसड़कसेकेनिर्माता/निर्देशकहैं|


BOOKSHELF: Plato and a Platypus Walk Into A Bar - Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein

 Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

Believe me when I declare that I bought this book on 19 August 2011. Yes 10 years ago. Somehow, I did not complete the process for which the book was purchased in the first place, viz., reading. It expectedly landed on the bookshelf. 

30 months after shifting to a new home on the outskirts of the national capital (Delhi), I  was dusting my bookshelf and in the process of rearranging the collection (200 books the while rest gathering dust at the Delhi flat under lock and key), this book caught my attention, warranting me to keep it "aside". Why I did what I did, I have no idea. That act was rewarding. 

Dusting and rearranging done, reclining on the sofa, the journey of getting familiar with this book began on 28 April. Believe me the next 48 hours saw me engrossed in this unputdownable book. Wit and wisdom. The authors explain philosophy in simple terms with simplicity and lot of jokes. Yes, jokes culled from wherever possible. Relevant to the topic or titled chapter. 

Check these out (screenshots) to taste the w&w:

Every single page is a gem. So beautifully these authors explained such dull subject. Try reading any tome by any author on philosophy. Rest assured that they will be sleep inducing even before you complete the first five sentences. 

No wonder the tagline of this book jacket reads: Understanding philosophy through jokes 

Cathcart and Klein are an exception. Don't open the book as a bed-read before sleep. You will be deprived of sleep. You're warned. Don't blame me. 

Lifeline for Transgender, Leyland style

Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

Murphy is the name. Tall. Slim. Male voice. Hair tied in a bun always. Lipstick, of course. In summer, dark goggles. A lady's vanity bag hung on the shoulders.

Murphy was my neighbor for 14 long years until I shifted out. I was on the third floor and Murphy was one floor above. We met almost daily and exchanged greetings.

Yes, Murphy was Transgender, living with an extended family, including a few goats, chicken, and a dog on the exclusive terrace flat (barsati).

That was my close encounter with transgenders. Barring my family, other flatmates kept a distance from Murphy. Questions cropped up as to "how can you live in the same building?" type. I ignored such questions.

On long road trips, I came across them at most of the toll plazas where they beseech every single car occupant for  "help". Men had curious looks and or some lewd comments while women rolled up car windows fearing as if they were tsunami. Truck drivers by and large gave a few rupees.

Again, whenever I travel in Chennai suburban trains, they board seeking alms. At times, passengers feel peeved and raise alarm warranting police intervention.

They are part of our society. Still, they are not because the majority of us have not accepted them as fellow passengers on Planet Earth.

Denied of normal life, ostracised by society, and bereft of a decent livelihood, they are compelled to beg. Legislating to accept their gender in addition to male and female is fine. But what matters is action on the ground. That's precise, Ashok Leyland is attempting.'

The credit, on the ground, goes to Mohammed Ali, National Head of Driver Training at the Hinduja group company. Talking to this correspondent over the phone, Ali said that during an interaction with his human resource head in the Chennai headquarters of India's number two trucking company, the topic of roping in transgenders cropped up.

"A few years ago, we did train one transgender but that person did not pursue after getting the driving license and we lost track. So, we have to start afresh," he avers.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Tamilnadu perhaps has the unique distinction of holding Asia's biggest festival to celebrate transgenders. It runs for 18 days where transgenders congregate to get married symbolically with fun and frolic and on the last day, embrace widowhood.

Transgenders marginally by society and deprived any meaningful livelihood resort to begging and prostitution. That's where the Ashok Leyland initiative to skill them as drivers are laudable.

Over years, I keep requests for women drivers for buses and trucks from CSR-serious corporate. How far this Leyland move will be worth watching.

Of the three out of eight transgender who has undergone training, certified, and received the authentic Driving License is Manisha Agarwal, a qualified MCA. "This is a good opportunity," Manisha exclaims during a telephonic chat with this writer. Not to be ignored is her assertion that no job was offered though Manisha was considered for Infotech jobs given her qualification.

Ali of Leyland, who conceived and executed the project, concedes that the reception to absorb transgender as drivers are mixed. "It is early days," he adds. Meanwhile, he managed to get a job opening for one of the eight Transgender drivers in the industrial town of Hosur, bordering Karnataka.

Suresh Babu, heading the Driver Training Institute at Namakkal and who did the spadework to roll out this initiative is confident of winning over the heart of transgender to join the mainstream via Leyland. Cleverly, he made the first batch of transgender drivers steer through the town roads in Namakkal during training and created an awareness about their new role in society as drivers.

Manisha is hopeful of her peers in the Transgender community would love to embrace driving as a career option. "We have been talking to them about our expeirence in learning a new skill and they are eager," she adds.

To cap it, Ali is hopeful of convincing his top-brass at Leyland to absorb Manisha as one of his institute's trainers at Namakkal.

Are these transgenders ready for pan-India driving? Babu points out that currently they hold LMV driving licenses and at the end of one year on the job training, they will be ready for HMV. Valid point.

What about the linguistic challenge of Hindi outside Tamilnadu? Manisha, a speaker of Hindi thanks to her parentage and upbringing in Mumbai in childhood, says that she is ready.

What about the reception during the training at the institute? "Day one was a bit tough but subsequently, all other male trainees understood us," adds Manisha.

Adds Babu: "The curiosity value was definitely. Appreciation of our move followed. At the local RTO office, these Transgender drivers were found to be 100% well trained."

Ali, meanwhile, is exploring tapping the transgender community in other parts of India where it has driver training schools set up with local government support to add the depleting driving community, particularly in the trucking segment. If not the long haul, at least these third gender, approved by Supreme Court and granted equal status at least on paper, can address the shortage in the last mile delivery.

Congrats, Ashok Leyland!

The writer is author of 10,000 KM on Indian Highways, co-founder of Transport Services P Ltd and Editor of DRIVERS DUNIYA, an English Quarterly & Director-Producer of SAMACHAR SADAK SE, a YouTube weekly program. Reachable at




Friday, 16 April 2021

Global brands hide behind supply chain traceability gap to tackle the BCI call for cotton boycott

Ramesh Kumar From Greater Noida 

In the ongoing anti-China sentiments reverberating across most of the capitals in the world, supply chain traceability is playing a big role. The United States and it's West European allies have put several global brands in a tight spot in collective their fight against Xi Peng's China. 

Xinjiang cotton is at the center of controversy. Global fashion retailers such as Sweden's H&M, Burburry, Adidas, Nike, etc are feeling the pinch. These companies have been advised by their respective governments not to use cotton from the Xinjiang province in China. Why?

US and its allies have cottoned onto the theory that China uses forced labor in Xyghur where the minority Muslims are imprisoned and thus China is allegedly violating human rights. So, not to buy anything made from Xinjiang cotton. 

Here's the catch. Without exception, the global giants get their stuff made from various third-world countries that use Xinjiang cotton. However, it is difficult to trace the cotton origin given the multilayered supplier network. Supply chain visibility and traceability challenges. Even in good times, the biggest of multinationals seldom paid attention beyond tier 1 vendors. They never felt the need or compulsion to be ethical. 

History is replete with unethical business practices by the global giants.

The military and economy strong Beijing is not going to sit back tweedling its thumb. It told these global brands with a huge presence in the 1.4 billion populated and lucrative consumer market to lift the boycott of Xinjiang cotton or else face the music in the form of reverse social boycott. That is, these brands have to down the shutter in China if they don't withdraw their cotton 

China's state-controlled media and social media unleashed a massive campaign to boycott these global brands. A big dilemma for these giants because the domestic Chinese consumption is expected to double by 2030, says Morgan Stanley: 12.7 trillion American dollars, which is equal to what US consumers spend today. 

German's Hugo Boss claims that it is not using Xinjiang cotton but on the Weibo social media platform, taking another stance saying that it would continue to favor Xinjiang cotton because Xinjiang long cotton is one of the best in the world. Meanwhile, Chinese ecom platforms are removing these brands.

This development has led to Chinese brands such as Li-Ning and Anta gaining more footballs and media coverage. Celebrities began sporting Chinese brands.

The two sides pitted against one another are no babes. They are ready for a long-drawn battle. The moot question will be who will blink first. 

Significantly, the Better Cotton Initiative which said it was stopping all cotton procurement from Xinjiang on account of forced labor has removed its public statement from its website. This about turn, it claims, is based on the recent reports by its office in China and third parties. 

BCI was founded in Switzerland in 2009. It sets the global standard for cotton industries and certifies cotton farms globally. It boasts of 2100 members across the world including cotton farmers, textile businesses and retail brands. 

This reversal will enable 500,000 tonnes of Xinjiang cotton to enter the global supply chain of textile production. China supplies 24 per cent to the global demand and Xinjiang region alone contributes a whopping 87 per cent. 


Sunday, 11 April 2021

Mexican $8bn Maya train project in a logjam


Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

Infra projects and public protest are inseparable. It will be rare to see any mega infrabuild going unchallenged. There are no exceptions: be it a road or rail or coastal shipping yard plans. Not necessarily these agitations lead to the project scrap. Some modifications are conceded to placate the hurt sentiments of the few. The project is finally through. 

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is faced with such a dilemma now. His 1,500 8 billion American dollar Maya train project to complete before he steps down in 2024 has run into trouble. 

The train is intended to connect Caribbean beach resorts to the peninsula’s interior, with large Indigenous populations and ruin sites, in a bid to stimulate economic development around its 15 stations.

Environmental concerns, yes. Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil or Cripex for short, a local non-governmental organization, is spearheading the agitation among other groups, wanting the project to be scrapped citing the impact of diesel engines on the rail tracks particularly on the endangered jaguars en route. 

An estimated 15,000 jaguars remain in the wild. There are only 6000 jaguars in the north and central America, half of which are found in the Calakmul region, which includes the southern Yucatan of Mexico and surrounding areas of Belize and Guatemala. It is estimated that there 500 jaguars in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. This is the second-largest population north of the Amazon.

Not to be missed out is the architectural treasure through which this rail line would run as and when ready ferrying passengers and cargo. The Mayas formed a sprawling empire of city-states across Yucatan and Central America between 2,000 B.C. and A.D. 900, and their descendants still live on the peninsula.

Experts in Mexico said Wednesday they have detected more than 2,000 pre-Hispanic ruins or clusters of artifacts along the proposed route of the president's controversial "Maya Train" project on the Yucatan peninsula.

Anticipating trouble, Lopez has given the rail line contract to the military on which trains are expected to chug at 160 km per hour linking several tourist spots - the Mayan ruins to be precise. 

The project was flagged off three years ago and the old track is being torn off. Ecological crime, antagonists say while a section of govt critics hint at cost overruns. White elephant, say some. Not needed because the passenger and cargo projections are way off the mark.

The felling of trees to make space for a new rail track is being defused by President's Sowing Life program - a tree planting plan at 4,500 pesos a month for everyone. 

Agitationists warn of the risk to the karst geohydrological systems of the peninsula, characterized by their fragility and the existence of a subway aquifer, with severe problems of overexploitation and contamination in the most populated metropolitan area of the region. 

Diesel engine when the entire world is moving towards electric? ask some. Valid and pertinent question. 

This area runs the risk of being fragmented, not only by the construction of the railway facilities but also by the continuous passage of trains for the next 50 years. Besides, this territory is inhabited by a Mayan population that has not exercised its right to self-determination, under international commitments of the Mexican State.

A public hearing under the Escazu Agreement ratified by the Mexican government in January 2021 is demanded. 

Meanwhile, Spanish train-operating company Renfe opened an office in Mexico from where it will develop the so-called Maya Train. Renfe was awarded this 13.5mn euro contract at the end of 2020, together with another Spanish company, Ineco, and, DB Engineering & Consulting, a German company, to collaborate in the development of the three-year project. 

Mexico's richest man Carlos Slim has invested in this train project to be completed by 2024 looping around the Yucatan peninsula. China Communications Construction Company is also an investor. After more than a decade-long lull of nil investment in Mexico, China is slowly creeping in under the Lopez regime.  Former US President Barrack Obama is opposed to any Chinese investment in Mexico. The Joe Biden Administration has so far has not publicly said anything about the Mexican-Chinese investment scenario. 

Come 2024, will the controversial Mayan train be on track, enabling Lopez   return to power for yet another six year term? Just not Mexicans even the world will be watching, given Mexico's proximity to the United States geographically and the rising Chinese investment in the Central America. 

Saturday, 10 April 2021

The rise of Gorillas' grocery delivery biz

Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

Guess the name of a grocery delivery company...


Give up? Okay. No issues.

How about "Gorillas"?

Yes. That is the name of a Berlin-based grocery delivery business entity that recently attained unicorn status (1 bn American dollar valuation) with heavy Venture Capital/Private Equity participation. 

Gorillas CEO and co-founder Kağan Sümer is thrilled because the latest round of Series B funding is pure 100% equity. No debt at all. 

It operates in 12 cities: Amsterdam, London, and Munich. and offers 10 minutes delivery time to customers.  For this promise to be effective, it adopts the dark store model. Over 40 micro fulfillment centers are functional in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. Over 1000 riders are on its rolls and it promises to reward its riders and warehouse staff with a 1 million American dollar one-off bonus. 

Gorillas was founded May 2020 in the  midst of pandemic by Kağan Sümer and Jörg Kattner. This German start-up has achieved unicorn status within the first year of its inception. Sumer is a passionate cyclist and rides to identify routes and study traffic patterns.

The founders maintain that the weekly grocery run is outdated. Today, there is spontaneous shopping habits are in vogue. The competition is getting hotter by the day. 

There is discontentment among riders of Gorillas over working conditions. 10 minute delivery time in a city ambiance is no easy task. Gorilla's hourly wage of 10.50 euro is the standard rate in Germany. 

All said and done, lots of money is pouring into last-mile delivery across the globe. Private Equity and venture capitalists see a huge business potential for this business. As and when the pandemic fear evaporates and normalcy is restored, will this business remain sustainable is a moot question. But... no one has a clear-cut answer to this tricky question. 

So far, so good. 

ALSO READ this ... Benetton's toll road sell off pangs

Here read .... SoftBank's Norwegian Warehouse Automation dalliance

Masayoshi's Norwegian Dalliance for Warehouse Automation

Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

SoftBank Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son is no stranger to robotics or automation in warehousing. He part-owns Berkshire Grey, a pure-play robotics company offering fully integrated, artificial intelligence-based software and hardware solutions. 

So, his 40 percent equity stake investment recently in AutoStore SA of Norway estimated 2.8 billion American dollars should not surprise anyone.  Son has been hearing Berkshire Grey shouting from the rooftops that only 5% of warehouses are currently automated. The upside is huge. The Japanese venture capitalist does not want to miss out on such an opportunity. 

Recently, South Korea's Coupang, part-owned by Son, got listed on the New York Stock Exchange. He also invested in Delhivery of India, one of the leading Ecom players. Therefore, when analysts predict that the market for warehouse automation will hit 48 billion dollars by 2023, he has no reason to disbelieve.

What is so great about AutoStore?  It is a leading global robotics and software company. Its automated storage and retrieval systems, coupled with its proprietary software, provide customers with high throughput, enhanced configurability, and high levels of flexibility to serve the increasing demands of today's supply chains. AutoStore's innovative cubic design allows customers to either store four times the inventory in the same space or all of their existing inventory in 25% of the space.

AutoStore's solutions thus "redefine space," enabling it to serve a range of markets as diverse as e-commerce, grocery, industrial, and healthcare in any warehouse, retail location, or other facilities.

Founded in 1996, AutoStore invented and continues to be the pioneer of Cubic Storage Automation, the densest storage technology. It boasts of more than 600 installations and 20,000 robots across 35 countries. 

AutoStore Chief Executive Karl Johan Lier hopes SoftBank investment will open up the Asia Pacific region for his wares. In Europe, AutoStore is a big hit already. 

Ecommerce's biggest challenge is optimizing fulfillment center capabilities. So long as manual labor is deployed, this challenge is unlikely to vanish. Amazon, the world's ecom behemoth's latest troubles from the workforce in Alabama in the United States is an indicator.

Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum (WEF) gauges that by 2035, just 35% of working hours will be spent on manual routine positions that right now occupy 48% of work time. Moreover, the assembling, coordination, and retail areas will have the most elevated potential for mechanization by 2027, says the World Economic Forum. 

AGVs are an introduction to the reception of undeniable AI-fueled innovations in any industry and as computerization makes progress, the AGV market request will stay consistent.

Bourses are lapping up the warehouse automation game. Daifuku of Japan saw its share price shoot up by 60%. Honeywell Automation India posted a 70% jump in its share price.

Analysts are predicting AutoStore, unlike other start-up gigs where SoftBank has invested, will post positive numbers in the shortest possible time. That will be sweet music for Son. 

Also READ this...about Benetton's Italian toll road network sell off plans

Friday, 9 April 2021

Benettons' toll road sale at crossroads


Ramesh Kumar in Greater Noida

It is troubled times for the Benetton dynasty of Italy. There are challenges in the East: Coup-hit Myanmar has forced Benettons to pause business, just like Sweden's H&M. That's on the fashion retail business side. 

Back home, Benettons face another hiccup. How many of us know this Italian dynasty's infra build business? There are also into the toll road network trade. 

The August 2018 Morandi bridge collapse in Genoa that killed 43 lives has led to an uneasy relationship with the state. That issue remains unresolved till today.

When the Italian government privatized the toll road network in 1999, Benettons jumped into the fray and control half of Italy's toll roads. It has 3,000 km under its umbrella. 

Autostrade per l"Italia - popularly known as ASPI - is Benetton's toll network under the company called Atlandia. 

Benettons' desire to exit ASPI is nothing new post-Morandi bridge collapse. ASPI is being valued at 10 bn euros. London-based Hedge Fund TCI has a 10% stake in Atlantia and ASPI has 88%. Italian government's investment fund is one of its suitors as part of a consortium consisting of Blackstone and Macquarie. 

Spanish construction group ACS is another suitor for ASPI. ACS is owned by Spain's richest man Florentino Perez. Significantly, ACS is also a business partner in Abertis, part-owned by Atlantia. Perez is also the president of Real Madrid, the renowned football club in Spain besides his huge toll road network business across the world. So he is already well versed in the toll road business and therefore a perfect fit to take control. 

The hitch is political. The key question is whether The new Italian prime minister Mario Draghi who replaced  Giuseppe Conte will pursue state activism? That is, will he follow the renationalization agenda of Conte? Not to be forgotten is ACS is a Spanish company. Therefore, a foreign business enterprise. Should an Italian business enterprise be handed over to a foreigner, though a close European neighbor? 

ASPI contract for the Italian toll road network expires in 2038. Perez has a 5 billion Euro bonanza from the sale of one of his industrial businesses. So where to park is his agenda. 

Building infrastructure is easier than maintaining the same. So there is a huge interest to close the lingering ASPI issue. Punters at the Milan stock exchange are anxiously watching the parleys. Will the state-led consortium be outbid the Spanish suitor? 

Benetton's would prefer a quick closure so that the Morandi bridge collapse will be delinked from their corporate basket. The new government's focus today is on tackling Covid and the recovery of the Italian economy. Where exactly the ASPI toll road sale sits in Draghi's laundry list is a mystery. 

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